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Abstract Topic: Government Studies

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Anti Corruption Risk Based
Andriana, Dewi Ayu Puspita, Taufik Kurrohman

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Dewi Ayu Puspita

University of Jember

Corruption is a form of fraud that can harm other parties. In Indonesia corruption means that it is a criminal offense related to state finance in the government sector and involves public officials. So to reduce the potential for corruption, prevention efforts are needed. The purpose of this study is to analyze how risk management prevents corruption. This research uses a qualitative case study method. The object of research was carried out at the Banyuwangi Regency Government. The reason for choosing this object is because the Banyuwangi Regency Government has implemented a risk-based audit. This study focuses on selecting three work units, namely the Inspectorate, the Financial Management Agency and the Asset Management, and the Public Works Agency. The results showed that the identification of corruption risks can be classified based on the red flag, namely (1) the accuracy of the goods and services received at the time of procurement, (2) identification of indications of corruption. The implication of this research is to know the risk of corruption, we can minimize corruption by controlling both operational and strategy control.

Corruption, Risk Management, Banyuwangi Government, Risk Based Audit

Government Studies


Becoming a Safe and Successful Indonesian Migrant Worker: A Collaborative Governance and Local Wisdom Approach
Bambang Widiyahseno(a*), Rudianto (a), Ida Widaningrum (a)

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Bambang Widiyahseno

Universitas Muhammadiyah Ponorogo

In the era of globalization with the advancement of transportation and technology as it is now working abroad is something we cannot avoid. Regardless of the level of education and background of competence. Seeing friends, neighbors around success by working abroad then become an attraction for everyone to imitate. Apart from the various problems encountered when working abroad, it is often overlooked and ignored. The purpose of this paper is to convey ideas that can be used to improve the gaps in the implementation of the protection of Indonesian migrant workers. The method used is researchers call the collaborative governance approach and local wisdom as a way to solve the fundamental problems of prospective Indonesian migrant workers if they want to successfully work abroad. The results of this study indicate that this approach will be very effective in solving their basic problems starting from the lowest level, namely the village. Every village community is used to having the wisdom that has been carried down for generations as their culture. The village government as the lowest institution that is directly in contact with the problems of the community has an interest in the security and safety of the citizens of their community who will work abroad.

Indonesian Migrant Workers, Collaborative, Local Wisdom

Government Studies


Anwar Sadat

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Anwar Sadat

Department of Governace Science, Faculty of Soscial Science and Politic Science
University of Muhammadiyah Buton, Jl. Betoambari No. 36,
Baubau City, Indonesia

Collaborative Governance in sustainable economic development has close relationship with people participation and the government itself. The problem that occurs in this context is viewed from the concept of Collaborative Governance that is the lack of contextual system inspected from the changing conditions of the legislation, the drive of leadership elements that greatly affect to the economic development, and the dynamics of collaboration which are unfavorable to all parties that makes sectoral egos still occur. The concept of Collaborative Governance as an alternative basis is considered capable to realize acceleration and implementation as a model to increase economic development in Buton by continuing to prioritize conservation efforts and program sustainability through institutional strengthening by establishing Regional-Owned Enterprises, MSMEs and cooperatives organized by local communities. To achieve economic development success, all program planning, implementation and development evaluation must involve the community, because the need to develop their territory will utilize and assess the success or failure of sustainable economic development in the region. The method in this study used qualitative methods by combining primary and secondary data. In the Development of Economic Development in Buton Regency, there is still a very low level of community participation that still occurs the differences perception in strengthening sustainable economic development and regional development.

Collaborative Governance, Development, Sustainable

Government Studies


Collaborative Governance to increase the Village Build Index in Economy through by the Village-Owned Enterprises in Ngroto Village, Malang Regency
Laeli Nur Khanifah, Iradhad Taqwa Sihidi, Krishno Hadi

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Laeli Nur Khanifah

Muhammadiyah University of Malang

The Law 6 of 2014 cites Village-Owned Enterprises (BUMDes) as Business Entities, whose capital is owned by the Village and is obtained from Village assets to facilitate the welfare of the Village community. The government must understand the potential in its territory and manage it together with the community, the private sector, and the Village Government for its sustainability. The success of Ngroto Village in establishing and running BUMDes Ageng made Ngroto one of the independent villages with IDM 94. Further research is to answer how the collaboration patterns between the government and various stakeholders in achieving economic empowerment in Ngroto Village. This research method uses descriptive qualitative and data collection interviews, observations, and documentation. The results of the study indicate the success of the government in achieving an increase in IDM over the past four years because it encourages public confidence in local government. In the economic field, cooperation to realized by the role of Ageng Village-Owned Enterprises (BUMDES), which has three units, namely savings and loans, partners, and users of drinking water. Savings and loan units with low interest and coupled with training/business assistance have been proven to contribute to reducing the number of poor people from 477 in 2015 to 297 in 2018. The above facts prove that collaborative collaboration is strengthened and proven to support development in villages and needs to be a model for development models in rural areas in Indonesia.

Collaborative Governance, Independent Village, village development index

Government Studies


Collaborative Urban Governance in the implementation of the City without Slums Program (KOTAKU) in Pasuruan, Indonesia
Tri Sulistyaningsih (1), Asep Nurjaman (2).Mukhammad Yusuf Putra Pamungkas (3)

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Tri Sulistyaningsih

1. Government Studies, Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang, Malang, Indonesia, sulis226[at]
2. Government Studies, Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang, Malang, Indonesia, asepip[at]
3. Government Studies, Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang, Malang, Indonesia, putrayusuf123[at]

This paper aims to explain and create a model of Collaborative Urban Governance in the implementation of the City without Slums Program (KOTAKU). This study uses a mixed, quantitative and qualitative research method. This study revealed that the implementation of the City without Slums Program (KOTAKU) has not shown collaboration between stakeholders. The implementation of the KOTAKU Program was not well implemented, this was indicated by the existence of urban slums which tended to increase, there was no involvement of working groups (POKJA), who served as program implementers, the lack of community involvement in the KOTAKU Program, the absence of community leaders, program implementers are not flexible to the community, and the lack of communication between stakeholder. Therefore, by using data analysis sourced from interviews and questionnaires, this paper formulates the Collaborative Urban Governance model. The model emphasizes the integration of stakeholders, strengthening norms, local government institutional structures, community awareness, and culture to create a city without slums.

Collaborative Urban Governance, Cityless Slums Program, and Community Development

Government Studies


Developing Positive Risk Management Culture in Public Sector : Case Study in Banyuwangi Regency Government
Resha Dwi Ayu Pangesti Mulyono, Sudarno and Nining Ika Wahyuni

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Resha Dwi Ayu Pangesti Mulyono

University of Jember

The aim of this study is to develop positive risk culture in a specific Banyuwangi Government. The research results will be used to make recommendations on how to entrench risk culture so that it forms part of the organisation‟s daily activities at all levels of operations. Building Risk Management Culture is important in order Government have Good Governance and Free Coruption. This research used qualitative method with case study approach. Data analysis used by direct interview in Banyuwangi Regency Government. The results of the study explain that building a culture of risk management awareness in a government is part of every decision making process at all levels of the organization that begins with the leaderships commitment to consider risk by making continuous, transparent communication in managing program activities, employee awareness of the importance of risk and integrating risk management in order to give the right decision, one of which is in the form reward and punishment depend high or low risk that arise in each activity program and every work level.

Risk Management Culture, Banyuwangi Government, Good Governance, Decision Making

Government Studies


Yetty Setiyaningsih.

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Mohammad Zaenal Arifin

Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Kota Magelang

Considering the development of bureaucratic performance towards the industrial era 4.0, various lines in the bureaucracy should be able to foster a culture of innovation as a breakthrough in realizing a series in a "good governance" system. Especially for Street Level Bureaucracy (SLB) as a bureaucracy that is in direct contact with the community, discretion as a breakthrough innovation is absolutely necessary to realize the bureaucrats as servants of the community, not as masters. Awareness as a public servant needs to be emphasized and echoed as an attitude for the State Civil Apparatus (ASN), as a bureaucrat. This positive attitude is expected to be a prelude to the climate and productive work culture and be able to encourage a discretion in various bureaucratic lines, especially for SLB. Productive and quality human resources that are selected are absolute criteria for ASN so as to be able to create innovation, as a new breakthrough in community service.

Discretion, Street Level Bureaucracy

Government Studies


Human Resource Productivity Development Strategy in the Regional Innovation Process
Andjar Prasetyo1, Henny Asmoro1, Hotnier Sipahutar2, Asrori2, Catur Wibowo Budi S2, Deden Nuryadin2, Gunawan2

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Andjar Prasetyo

1Research and Development Agency of City of Magelang
Magelang City, Indonesia
2Research And Development Agency, Ministry Of Internal Affairs, Kramat Raya St 132, Jakarta, Indonesia

Innovation is an effort to accelerate the development of various sectors, the development of human resource productivity is part of the sector. Magelang City has implemented an innovation screening process since 2004 and 2019 replicated in Pekanbaru City, Labuhanbatu Regency and Tuban Regency which have an impact on developing human resource productivity. This study aims to describe, compare and evaluate the practice of innovation replication carried out in Pekanbaru City, Labuhanbatu Regency and Tuban Regency in the context of developing human resource productivity. This research needs to be done because the practice of applying innovation has not been evenly distributed in the territory of Indonesia. The data used in this study is divided into two, namely, secondary data which tend to have little composition and dominance of primary data that complements this study. Primary data include the number of organizers, the number of participants, the number of evaluators, and the total budget. The analysis was carried out with a comparative qualitative description of the study area in a macro manner and a focus on research. As a result, the replication process with limited available human resources can be implemented but still requires capacity building and strengthening human resource capacity, another result is that policies to encourage innovation as a strategy to develop human resource productivity need to be prioritized because of the impact of the regional innovation process.

Regional Innovation, human resources, replication process, strategy to develop

Government Studies


Regional Cooperation: Selfishness and Necessity
Ardhana Januar Mahardhani (a), Sri Suwitri (b), Soesilo Zauhar (c), Hartuti Purnaweni (d)

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Ardhana Januar Mahardhani

(a) Doctoral Programme of Public Administration, Diponegoro University
(*)e-mail: ardhana[at]
(b,d) Faculty of Social and Political Science, Diponegoro University
(c) Faculty of Administrative Science, Brawijaya University

Regional cooperation among local government is a must for the efficient management of public administration. The state has been implementing regulations on such cooperation. However, there are regions which reluctant to cooperate, especially with the adjacent areas. This paper is a literature review study that aims to reaffirm the importance of cooperation among regions, focused on the Selingkar Wilis region in East Java Province. Selingkar Wilis consists of 6 regencies (Tulungagung, Trenggalek, Ponorogo, Madiun, Nganjuk, and Kediri). These areas are provincial strategic areas which will be developed into a new tourism destination. Moreover, according to the preliminary study there are some problems hampering such cooperation, due mainly to regional selfishness. Therefore, this paper shows various regional cooperation models that aims to illustrate the cooperation among regions. These efforts are a must for the better development management among Selingkar Wilis areas.

regional cooperation, cooperation models, regional selfishness

Government Studies


Risk Management in the Local Government of Indonesia: drivers, conditions, and strategies
Oktaviani Ari Wardhaningrum, Kartika, Hendrawan Santosa Putra

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Hendrawan Santosa Putra

University of Jember

Risk management is an emerging issue in the Indonesia government. This study seeks to reveal why and how risk management applied in local government. A case study conducted at the Banyuwangi Regency Government, which was one of the initiators of risk management in Indonesia. In-depth interviews conducted with 19 participants from three work units, namely the Public Works Agency, the Regional Financial and Asset Management Agency, and the Inspectorate. Data analysis uses the constant comparative method with NVivo. The results show that the development of risk management triggered by regulations, preventing corruption, and synchronizing with risk-based audits. There are obstacles such as no specific teams to handle it, the risk of knowledge and awareness not evenly distributed in all work units, and there are no coercion rules for work units. Implementation of risk management in local governments requires the right strategy.

risk management; local government; risk-based audit; prevent corruption

Government Studies


Supply Chain Management Improvement through Strategic Planning for Human Resources in the Industrial Revolution 4.0
Nida Hanin Dary (a*), Ismi Dwi Astuti Nurhaeni (a), Didik Gunawan Suharto (a)

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Nida Hanin Dary

a) Public Administration Department, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas Sebelas Maret Surakarta, Indonesia

Human resources in Indonesia are required to be improved to be internationally competitive, actively synchronized, and innovative with rapidly developing information technology to support the quality of Supply Chain Management (SCM) and also support sustainable development. Nevertheless, in the era of the Industrial Revolution 4.0, Supply Chain in Indonesia was increasingly confronted with the challenges of international competition in terms of innovation and technology. In addition to increasing the quality of technology to improve SCM, it is necessary to do strategic planning of human resources to equip the suppliers with international capacity in using technology that has been provided by the government to innovate or cooperate with other countries. This study aims to examine the strategic role of human resource management to produce human resources with international capacity, innovative, and able to support the improvement of SCM in Indonesia in facing the challenges of the Industrial Revolution 4.0. This research was conducted using qualitative research methods with a systematic literature review approach. Efforts to increase human resource capacity are carried out by creating human resource strategic planning based on analysis of the situation and potential of human resources, then training and development are carried out based on international standardization.

Supply Chain Management; strategic planning; human resources; Industrial Revolution 4.0; Indonesia

Government Studies


The Impact of Institutional Strategies in The Innovation Process on The Behavior of The Community and Local Government in The City of Magelang
Arif Barata Sakti1, Andjar Prasetyo1

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Andjar Prasetyo

Research and Development Agency of City of Magelang,
Magelang City, Central Java, Indonesia

Magelang City is one area that is part of the Central Java Province, Indonesia. The development process in Magelang City has the same model as other regions in Central Java Province. One important aspect in the development process is the existence of institutions that carry out development. The issue of the development process is innovation that has an impact on society and regional apparatus. The purpose of this study is to determine the impact of the institutional strengthening process strategy on the innovation process that affects the community and local government in the City of Magelang. This study uses secondary data from the Magelang City Research and Development Agency from 2000 to 2019. Analysis of the qualitative description into the research method in this study is linked to regulations in Indonesia. The result is the institutional strategy implemented by the City Government of Magelang has a significant impact on the innovations implemented and influences the behavior of the community and local government in the City of Magelang. In line with the results, the City of Magelang in institutional development has a model in accordance with central government regulations and gained recognition as an independent performing institution.

Strengthening Institutions, Innovation, Society, Local Government

Government Studies


The Synergy among Stakeholders in Management of Village-Owned Enterprises (BUM Desa)
Muhammad Abdul Khaliq Wahid, Ismi Dwi Astuti Nurhaeni, Sudarmo, Didik Gunawan Suharto

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Magister of Public Administration,
Universitas Sebelas Maret,
Jl. Ir. Sutami 36 A, Kentingan, Surakarta, Central Java, Indonesia

Law No. 6 of 2014 concerning Villages provides an opportunity for villages to establish Village-Owned Enterprises (BUM Desa), an institution managed by the village community and focus on developing the rural economy to improve the welfare of the village community. This study aims to analyze strategies for building synergy among stakeholders in the management of BUM Desa. The method used in this article is a literature review from some relevant sources such as article journals, books, and research reports. To optimize the management of BUM Desa, all stakeholders must be actively involved, especially: village government, village communities, academics, private sector, Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs), financial institutions, media, and Government (central and regional). The results showed that the strategy to build synergy can be done with communication and coordination starting from planning, budgeting, implementation, monitoring, and evaluation. Through this strategy, the management of BUM Desa can be optimized in line with the increasing welfare of rural communities.

stakeholders, synergy, Village-Owned Enterprises (BUM Desa)

Government Studies


Zakat Corporation : The Way to Improve the Management of Zakat Institutions in Indonesia
Lungid Wicaksana, Kristina Setyowati, Didik Gunawan Suharto

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Lungid Wicaksana

Master of Public Administration, Universitas Sebelas Maret

Abstract — The emergence of a new law on the management of Zakat raises pros and cons, both among the citizen and private sector zakat institutions. Whats more, recently, there were rules about cutting 2.5% of zakat for Civil Servants. This seems to make the private sector zakat institution more subordinated. In several studies revealed that with the latest zakat management rules, private sector zakat institutions feel they dont get enough space and are subordinated to several existing policies. And it is feared that it will be very detrimental to the private sector zakat institution which is considered to have a small amount of people, because there must be a requirement that must be approved to obtain legality. Nonetheless, several attempts have been made by the government to embrace the interests of zakat management through good cooperation between public and private zakat institutions. Through a literature review study with Boolean Logic, several online journals were selected according to the needs of this study. With the aim of research to find out how the efforts of zakat institutions in Indonesia in order to develop and improve the mechanism of zakat management systems optimally and to embrace various interests that develop in society.

Corporation, Zakat, Management

Government Studies


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